

2023-02-03 13:06:10 来源:哔哩哔哩






Content 内容

Small side quest update. They are small storylines about the next big update (mostly likely WarPath).

1. 巴卡尼前置任务。但是没有巴卡尼和巴卡尔raid。

Events 活动

A Sweet Surprise:

Clear optimal level dungeons to roll for difference kind of chocolate along with various emotes.

Korean version here

2. 甜蜜惊喜:通关推荐地下城获得抽取次数,可以获得不同品种的巧克力,以及各种表情包。甜蜜友谊巧克力可作为礼物赠送给NPC,每个可获得1000点好感度。

Merchant of the Winds!

Exchange old materials for Golden Beryls and Advance Dungeon Ticket box. 10 materials for each exchange for up to 5 exchanges per day.

If you don't have old material, this event also give you materials to exchange as well.

3. 旧材料兑换:那个老美服专属NPC又出现在赫顿玛尔大街了,可以将部分旧版本材料兑换为金绿柱石和高级地下城入场券。每天可以兑换5次,每次最多添加3种一共10个材料。如果没有旧版材料的话,此活动也会提供一些材料来兑换。

Share Your Expertise:

This will be focused advancement class guide (skills, talisman, runes, etc.)

We also look for details and special tips & trick on the class that are not clearly explained.

4. 分享你的技巧:这次重点关注职业攻略(技能、护石、符文等)。策划也会寻找职业的没有明确解释的细节和特殊技巧。

Sales 商业更新

Danji Season 2 Finale: Get double amount of stacks during event period.

5. 土罐的袖珍罐第二季即将结束,最后两周累积开罐数可双倍获得。

Others 其他

KDnF is selling their merchandises here, and they wanted to see our opinions on some the items (not sure where they were going with this though).

6. 韩服正在售卖一些周边,策划希望了解美服这边的玩家意见(不确定美服会不会发售)。

Q&A 其他

Can we finally get popular old avatars without any purchase limits and trade shenanigans on a regular and constant basis, also how about bringing back the cera avatars withdrawn from the shop.

We wanted to prevent price gouging and messing with market price.

7. 美服到底能不能上一些无购买限制和无交易限制的流行绝版装扮,并长期允许交易,以及如何将绝版点券装扮复出。


Are there any plans to bring back really old event auras like the Arad Runner avatars?

There was an issue that many users have lost their emblems when upgrading from Arad Walker aura to Arad Runner aura. So they don't have any plan for this rerun. But there's are any other one you wanted to re-release, be vocal and let them know.

8. 有没有计划将更早一些的绝版装扮复出,例如阿拉德奔跑者装扮。


Webstore black diamond, what happened?

The Avatar and aura has been going on for a few years and no update. But there will be a new event for DFO privilege user and coming soon on 1st half of this year.

9. 网页商店的黑钻权益是怎么回事。[鄙人:应该不是国服那个]


Does Neople have any plans to deal with the delay of content in DFOG? To give a bit of context: Ispins to Warpath was around 2 months for KDNF. While Warpath to Bakal Raid was around 1 month (this was with delays as well). DFOG's update from Ispins to Warpath is approaching 3 months and may even be 3 months and a half+. Warpath to Bakal Raid from the sounds of the latest ex streams confirmations point that it could be 2 months+. It feels as if DFOG is once again falling behind after keeping a decent pace at the start of 110, which could be detrimental as Warpath could've easily help prep more players for Bakal Raid. Moreover, it feels discouraging to hear that the reason why reworks or other patches aren't being brought is because Warpath/Bakal could be delayed for many more months, when we're already at a very delayed timeline.

For this case, the gap between Ispins and Machine Revolution is higher but it's because of our update schedule mechanic. You guys know we have big updates every 3 months or so. On our 8th Anniversary, we will one of our developer to talk about this topic, so stay tune for transparency.

10. 策划是否有任何计划来处理美服拖版本的问题。提供一些线索:韩服的军团到巴卡尼大约用了2个月。而巴卡尼到巴卡尔团本大约是1个月(这也有一些拖版本)。美服从军团到巴卡尼需要接近3个月,甚至可能是3个半月以上。从最新流出的确认消息来看,从巴卡尼到巴卡尔团本可能需要2个月以上。感觉美服在110最开始的时候保持了不错的速度,但是马上又落后了,这可能不太好,因为巴卡尼可以很容易地帮助更多玩家准备打团。此外,美服没有更新职业重做和其他更新的原因竟然是因为如果先更新这些的话可能会导致巴卡尼和巴卡尔团本被推迟几个月,而美服已经处于严重落后的进度,这让人感到沮丧。


Is it possible to make Master Contracts more available? Whether it be through events or available monthly for gold in the CERA shop?

We consider giving out Master Contracts through events

11. 是否有可能使王者契约更容易获得?无论是通过活动还是每月的卡妮娜商城。


Is it possible to increase the Avatar Inventory space and/or the Avatar Closet? 

Will look into data to see how widespread this problem and will get back to you about that.

12. 能不能增加更多的装扮栏空间和装扮预设栏位?


Special Corner 特别策划

DFOG's Official Content Creator Sungahime and AmirGM made special interview appearance on the steam tonight. Congratz them on 2 years anniversary streaming as CC. This is a test run and they're planning to open up this section as well.

13. 这次直播特别邀请了DFOG的官方内容创作者Sungahime和AmirGM作为嘉宾。祝贺他们参与了内容创作者2周年的直播。这是一次测试,后续也会根据实际情况继续开设此环节。

Q: Valinetine day plan?

Amir - Single awareness day

Sungahime - More trend of love and appreciation for friends and family

14. 你们在情人节有没有什么打算?



Q: Which NPC would you give the event Sweet Sensitivity Boost to

Sungahime - Red Witch

Amir - Woon or Minet

15. 这次活动送的巧克力材料你们打算送给哪个NPC



Q: Why did you choose your main? What are the biggest Pros and Cons?

Sungahime - Witch, started from Nexon DFO, cool asthenic and mechanic (e.g. candy explosion). Biggest pros, lots of installation skills and mobility. Biggest cons, install skills and 2A no y-axis range.

Amir - Rogue, started as Ranger, but then she loves the architype. She was more used to Shadow Dancer on other game but DFO's take on Rogue was very different. You can play her really fast and roll your face around the keyboard. Great evasion, double jump, i-frame. But if you compare her to Berserker or Spectre, she can feel weaker. Not a lot of flexibility with Tasliman.

16. 你是怎么选择职业的,以及最大的优点和缺点是什么。



Q: Do you have any bug moment or memorable moment on DFO recently?

Sungahime - Some bug with Ispins with Itrenok's rock

Amir - 1st Ispin on male striker, took her 7 hours to solo Ashcore. She was not dodging and doing mechanic correctly. She invested a lot on Fire damage on her striker, so that didn't help.

17. 你最近在DFO上有什么bug时刻或难忘的时刻吗?



Q: Any shoutout?

Sungahime - halfmango doing livestream and live translation on twitch channel about KDnF talk-to-developer on February 4th. His reddit announcement here.

Amir - 1st, check out Khanjali's interview. He's on Spotify as well. 2nd, check out other CC as well, they're usually appear on your first DFO log-in screen.

18. 有没有更多发声?






编辑:鄙人 DressUpFighterOnline






关键词: 材料兑换 甜蜜惊喜 这个话题









